Why us

Since its establishment “Bernays Worldwide” has become a name synonymous with excellence

Full-Spectrum Public Relations

“Bernays Media” is a Bahraini Public Relations firm focused on Institutional Communication, with clients in diverse business classifications.

Global Partnership

Headquartered in the Kingdom of Bahrain, with offices in Europe and Saudi Arabia, we work with various media partners around the world. “Bernays Worldwide” is recognized as a leading PR company locally, regionally & globally – From Bahrain to the World.

New Horizons to create

Communication Experts

We’re in this business since 2012 and provide the best services

“Bernays Worldwide” is set with the optimum tools & expertise to remold the scene of Public Relations in the region, an independent company specialized in wide-scale Communication & Public Relations services.

In “Bernays Worldwide” the door remains wide open to redefine our role as communicators and incessantly develop our services & products to match our client’s demands and the changes in market, as we draw our inspiration from your needs.

Contact Us

+973 1789 6300

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Our Services

“Bernays Worldwide” has a diverse product and services portfolio of universal and optimized Communication & Public Relations services tailored to help you reach your goal

Our Mission

To facilitate communication through media strategies that are customized, actionable, and efficient.

Our Vision

The most sought-after, innovative, inspiring, and efficient communication & PR firm regionally

Here to light-up your organization

Our Clients

Our success in figures

+ 108
Accomplished Projects
+ 54
Satisfied Clients
+ 100
Press Releases last year

News & Media

“بيرنيز” تُجدِّد شراكتها الإستراتيجية مع “رامتان”

أعلنت “بيرنيز للعلاقات العامة” عن توقيعها اتفاقية شراكةٍ إستراتيجيةٍ مع “رامتان”؛ لتنظيم المعارض والمؤتمرات، الشركة السعوديَّة الرائدة التي تفرَّدت بتنظيمها أول المعارض العقاريَّة في المملكة تحت اسم “ريستاتكس”، تقوم بموجبها “بيرنيز” بتقديم خدمات الاستشارات الاتصاليَّة، والعلاقات العامَّة، وإدارة الحملات الإعلاميَّة، لجميع أنشطة معارض “ريستاتكس” العقاريَّة في المملكة العربيَّة السعوديَّة للأعوام الثلاثة القادمة.

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